Top 3 ways to stimulate natural hair growth safely and effectively at home

Polluted environment, unreasonable diet, stressful work, etc. can be the reasons that cause hair to become dry and prone to breakage. Refer to the natural ways to stimulate hair growth that Ron International will introduce in the article below to improve the thickness and smoothness of hair!

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most popular natural hair care ingredients. Coconut oil has abundant sources of vitamins and essential nutrients such as vitamin E, K, iron, zinc, magnesium, … Besides, there are the appearance of beneficial amino acids such as Lionleic Acid, Lauric Acid, Myristic acid, … Helps to condition hair, moisturize and restore damaged hair from deep within.

How to grow fast

Coconut oil helps to minimize the breakdown process, helps prevent oxidation and stimulates hair growth. Not only helps beauty and good skin care, coconut oil is also considered a panacea to clean dandruff. You can use coconut oil in one of the two ways below:

Method 1: Use virgin coconut oil

Squeeze coconut oil into a small spray bottle, then proceed straight to the hairline and body hair, each spray spaced about 5cm apart. Make sure you spray close to the roots and scalp, not just the roots.
Use 10 fingers to massage scalp for about 15 minutes. Then use a towel to warm the hair for 30-60 minutes. This will help the nutrients penetrate deep into the roots and stimulate hair growth.
Then wash your hair with warm water and air dry. Perform 2-3 times / week, you will feel the noticeable change of hair.
Method 2: Use a mask to warm coconut oil combined with lemon juice
Use coconut oil mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 3: 1 to create a mixture of specialized hair mask.
Apply this mixture to your hair evenly. Most noticeable are the hairline and scalp
Conduct scalp massage and curl hair within 15 minutes then wash off with warm water.
Doing 2-3 times / week will help reduce hair breakage, soft and smooth.
Olive oil
If you are looking for a way to stimulate natural hair growth, you cannot ignore olive oil. This essential oil not only works to beautify the skin, nails, but also the secret to stimulate hair growth, treat hair loss and baldness of many people.

The antioxidants in olive oil have nutrients that directly affect the hair follicles. Helps regenerate and stimulate hair growth process faster. In addition, olive oil also helps the mind to become relaxed, support circulation and reduce stress, fatigue for the human body. Here’s how to take care of your hair with olive oil to help stimulate hair growth.

Option 1: Use extra virgin olive oil

Use virgin olive oil to apply to the legs and body hair. In particular, at the hair root area should be applied and massage in a spiral fashion to penetrate deeply into each hair follicle. Use a towel for 30 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Method 2: Make a hair mask with olive oil combined with coconut oil

Make hair mask with olive oil and coconut oil at a ratio of 1: 1
Apply the newly created mixture to the roots, scalp and body. Then, gently massage the scalp for 10 minutes.
Use a damp cloth to wrap your hair for 30 minutes to allow the nutrients to penetrate deep into each hairline. Then wash your hair with warm water and air dry.
For a long time, using aloe vera is a natural way to stimulate hair growth, and many women have applied it. Because they have abundant sources of vitamins including vitamins A, B, C, and E, which are essential nutrients for nourishing and restoring hair. Besides, this material also contains amino acids, salicylic acid and lignin and natural enzymes that prevent hair loss, accelerate hair growth and growth. You can refer to the following 2 ways to help stimulate hair growth and nourish hair grow faster.

Method 1: Use pure aloe vera

Prepare aloe vera gel and crush it.
Apply aloe vera gel evenly over the hair, paying attention to apply from the feet to the hair body.
Massage scalp for about 10 minutes and incubate for about 30 more minutes until the gel dries, then wash with water.
Do this 2-3 times a week and watch for a surprising change in your hair after only 4 weeks.
Natural hair care
Photo: Using aloe vera stimulates hair growth
Method 2: Use a mask of aloe vera hair and honey
Create a mask of aloe vera hair and honey mixed with the ratio of 2: 1.
Apply the newly created mask to your hair, from the roots, scalp to body, and finally the ends.
Massage scalp then use a damp cloth to wrap hair for 30 minutes so that the nutrients in honey and aloe vera are absorbed into each hair follicle.
Then wash with warm water and air dry. Perform regularly 2-3 times / week to feel the change of hair.
Above are some simple and effective ways to stimulate natural hair growth at home. However, these measures are slow and take a long time to implement. Besides, you can use hair growth sprays that contain natural ingredients and are safe for users

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